In some cultures, the impacted canine is perceived as a charming character in the smile. It draws attention, and is considered a beauty mark.
The clinical reality of the canines is that they are very important when properly positioned in the mouth. Created with extremely long roots, the canine teeth provide support when the jaw grinds from side to side. A properly aligned dentition is supported by the canines in the side way movements, so that none of the back teeth or teeth on the opposite sides should come into contact. This important feature prevents wear facets and fractures to the back teeth.
With the advancement of clear aligner orthodontics, realigning the malpositioned canine can be achieved easily. This patient spent fifteen months in clear aligner orthodontic to move her impacted canine back into proper position. The treatment also straightened other misaligned teeth.
The end result is a pleasing smile with all functional guidance and stability established.
Note only the canines are in contact during grinding movements.
Note only the canines are in contact during grinding movements.