Anterior Teeth Wear - Treat or Ignore?

Anterior teeth wear usually exhibits a classic pattern where the canines will get ground down first, followed by the front four teeth. It is a challenge to restore and maintain this kind of bite profile. If we go by the belief that enamel is sacred and that we should never grind away teeth to restore them with porcelain,  then allowing the teeth to destroy themselves to tiny short stumps goes against this belief.

If we restore early enough and the patient is diligent with night guard wear, then the treatment can be predictable and effective.

Anterior bite problems dictate length, shape, and position of the anterior teeth.  Hence, on occasion where dentists and patients may mistakenly violate the mechanical principle of the bite at the expense of esthetics, then one can expect the bite to fight off anything that is in its pathway.

By choosing not to treat an anterior bite case, the teeth will wear themselves away.  In the case below we can see the actual opening of the nerve canals on the front teeth.  Severe wear cases also leave us with very little tooth structure to work with.  Hence, anterior teeth wear should not be ignored.AnteriorTeethWear1Anterior Teeth Wear 2Anterior Teeth Wear 3