Modern Ceramics - Apple Watch vs Teeth

What do Apple Computers company and dentistry have in common?  The Apple Edition Ceramic Watch is made of Zirconia, a material commonly used in dentistry today. Zirconia undergoes a sophisticated fabrication process called sintering where its powder form is treated with heat to compact into a solid material of tremendous strength.  Zirconia can be shaped, layered with additional ceramics, or simply stained and glazed to create realistic details found in natural teeth.  The discovery of Zirconia allows dentists and dental ceramists to create beautiful restorations which can resist fractures.  However,  Zirconia is extremely technique sensitive in the lab.  Making Zirconia look good for front teeth requires the work of ceramists with meticulous artistic skills.

The first photo below shows the Apple Watch made out of Zirconia.  Note the highly polished glossy surface.  The Zirconia is so strong that a watch casing can withstand the stress of wear and tear.


The second photo here shows a clinical case of upper and lower veneers we recently completed with Zirconia.  Note the detailed characteristics which give the veneers life.  By taking advantage of the strength of the material, and combining its scientific properties with the art of dental ceramics these veneers will out last those created by materials in the past.


Apple Watch photo courtesy of


Customized Smile Rejuvenation with Veneers and Crowns

Smile Rejuvenation to replace old restorations or unattractive natural teeth is a customized process.  Every single case begins with the diagnosis of the patient's current bite condition.  Then, a comprehensive treatment plan is presented which incorporates the balance between Function and Esthetics. The smile rejuvenation case below was achieved by taking into consideration the patient's personal preferences for things like tooth size, length, contour, colors, and detailed translucency characteristics.  We replaced her old restorations with newly designed and fabricated restorations with the latest techniques and materials.  This patient was very happy with the end result because it was exactly what she wanted.  She did not want a "Hollywood Smile", but rather a natural looking attractive smile.

It is important to note that every single case is a different scenario, and the patient's preexisting condition of the natural dentition can change the treatment options for his/her case.
