Floss or Waterpik ?
It is my opinion that nothing beats traditional brushing and flossing. Mechanical removal of plaque and food debris in the space between the root and the gum flap is key to controlling inflamation caused by bacteria in that space. The Waterpik cannot project a strong enough jet to get into that space to clean it out.
By leaning the floss against the root of the teeth and rubbing that root with the floss we can remove plaque much more effectively in the gum pocket.
Happy 4th of July !
The Authenticity of Online Reviews
What an interesting story covered by CNN today about Yelp reviews. http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/bestoftv/2014/01/10/virginia-court-rules-on-yelp-reviewers-jackson-newday.cnn.html
Whitening Infographic
Whitening Infographic | American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. ........................................................................................
Alex Nguyen, DDS is a Saratoga Dentist who practices General Dentistry, Cosmetic, and Implant Dentistry. For over 20 years the practice has been serving the residents of Santa Clara County and San Francisco Bay Area.