Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is one problem that will determine how long your dentition will last in your life time.  In many instances,  our patients are not aware of their grinding problems.  Some patients do not even believe the diagnosis that they do grind their teeth. In any event, teeth grinding problems do not manifest until much later in life when wear facets, fractures, bone loss, and pain become more apparent.  Many root canals and crowns are overly prescribed to solve a patient's tooth pain.  Sometime, the solution lies undetected in the foundation of the bite stability.

The link below is an interesting article about night guards design which incorporates technology to alert patients of their teeth grinding activity.

Smart mouthguard to tackle dental wear and tear.

Children's dental health is not just about cavities

Regular dental exams and cleanings for children should be a routine part of health care. Beside checking for cavities and gum health,  it is also extremely important to monitor the eruption pattern of children's teeth.  Severe malalignment of the jaw and teeth can be treated effectively when caught early on in life.  Leaving the eruption pattern uncontrolled can negatively affect the development of the facial profile of the young patient, and will create problems with the bite and joint health.

Bite problem and joint issues do not manifest until later on in life when tooth wear/fracture, and joint pain are noticed.  In many instances early orthodontic treatments could have saved the patient's teeth in order to ensure a life time of functional stability for the dentition.



Alex Nguyen, DDS is a Saratoga Dentist who practices General Dentistry, Cosmetic, and Implant Dentistry.  For over 20 years the practice has been serving the residents of Santa Clara County and San Francisco Bay Area.

Restoring Worn out Front Teeth

Restoring worn out front teeth is all about the details.  Properly designed restorations using the right materials, technique, and collaboration with the right ceramist can bring back years of life to the front teeth. Here  is an example of a case where we used a combination of teeth whitening, crowns, and veneers on the four front teeth to restore this gentleman's smile.

Images of actual patients of Alex Nguyen, DDS are Copyrighted and Digitally Embedded to track Unauthorized Use.


Alex Nguyen, DDS is a Saratoga Dentist who practices General Dentistry, Cosmetic, and Implant Dentistry. For over 20 years the practice has been serving the residents of Santa Clara County and San Francisco Bay Area.

Where to Start When it Comes to Implant Teeth

When it comes to Implant teeth, the work should begin with proper diagnosis and treatment planning with the restorative dentist who will fabricate your final restorations.  If the restorative dentist does not place the implants, he/she will coordinate with the surgeon so that the outcome of the treatment can be optimized for both esthetic and function. In the case below the patient went to an oral surgeon before coming to me for a consultation for crowns to be placed on the implants in her mouth. This is actually a reversed pattern of treatment.  Sometimes the ideal final result cannot be achieved because the implants have been placed in the wrong position.

We will be gathering some detailed diagnostic records and studies to come up with a plan to restore these teeth, but there are obvious issues with the case.

In the X-ray you can see that Implant # 1 and # 2 were placed too close to each other.  Here are the potential problems:

1.  The crown for Implant # 1 may be much smaller than its ideal size.

2.  The gum tissue between the teeth for Implant # 1 and Implant # 2 will not have any room to sustain a normal shape and healthy environment.

On the other hand, you can also see that implant # 2 and # 3 were placed too far from each other.  Here are the potential problems:

1.  The crowns between these 2 implants may appear unusually large/wide and may not fit the patient's smile esthetically.

2.  It may also be impossible to create normally looking gum tissue between these two implant teeth.

Additionally, Implant # 3 was placed too close to the adjacent natural tooth. This may cause the natural root to resorb if indeed the threads of the implants have impinged on the ligaments and/or root of the natural tooth.

To ensure an optimal dental implant result, it is always recommended that the patient seek proper consultation with qualified clinicians prior to proceeding with the treatments.

Blog.AlexNguyenDDS.Implant Xray 2. R17 copy


Alex Nguyen, DDS is a Saratoga Dentist who practices General Dentistry, Cosmetic, and Implant Dentistry. For over 20 years the practice has been serving the residents of Santa Clara County and San Francisco Bay Area.

Things about Teeth that can Stress You Out !

This patient had TMJ problem.  She went to see a "TMJ Specialist" who does orthodontics.  This is how her teeth look at the completion of the orthodontic treatment.  Everything looks nice and straight from the front, and the smile is beautiful.  However,  when you take a closer look at the back teeth - She's missing teeth contacts in the molar areas on both sides of the mouth. With this much spacings in between the teeth, the patient would have to exert extra forces as she tries to chew her food.  That in turn takes a toll on the chewing muscles,  excessively stresses her joints, and defeats the original reason of her visit to a "TMJ Specialist".

Front Teeth after Orthodontic Treatment:

Back Teeth after Orthodontic Treatment:

Before choosing a "dental specialist".  It is important to understand what your problem is, how the problem can be fixed, and what to anticipate at the end of the treatment.  The last things about teeth that you would want to deal with may be things that can stress you out !


Alex Nguyen, DDS is a Saratoga Dentist who practices General Dentistry, Cosmetic, and Implant Dentistry. For over 20 years the practice has been serving the residents of Santa Clara County and San Francisco Bay Area.